Small Grant Program:  NOTE:


The small grant program has been transitioned.  If you are interested in receiving funds for your project, please attend a quarterly board meeting in order to apply directly to the board of directors.  You may also send an inquiry email to




 Click here to download the HBF Small Grant Program Application

Statement of Purpose or Mission

The mission of the Historic Bath Foundation is to encourage and promote the historical aspects of the Town of Bath; aid the Historic Bath Commission and the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources in acquiring and developing historic properties, interpretations and functions; and to conduct fund raising activities to raise funds for acquiring historic objects that enable the Historic Bath Commission and the Historic Bath Historic Site to fully and completely present the history of North Carolina’s first town.

Areas of Interest

The Historic Bath Foundation, Inc., organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes to serve the Bath area.  Areas of funding interest include:

    • Projects that focus on historic preservation in Bath, including the purchase, restoration and preservation of structures in Bath, North Carolina that have special historical, architectural, archaeological or aesthetic value.
    • Assistance with historical research that leads to publication of books, articles, brochures or with the development of educational programs pertaining to Bath and Beaufort County.
    • To promote the maintenance and advancement of Historic Bath State Historic Site.
    • Programs of historic interest.


Conditions of Assistance

            Individuals, organizations, agencies and institutions may apply for grant funds.  

            Memorandum of Agreement to be signed between recipient and Historic Bath Foundation

            Reporting standards/requirements will need to be adopted.

Final reports on the project are due at the end of 13 months from grant receipt.  If a project extends beyond the normal twelve month completion period, a progress report will be required at the end of 12 months.  If grant recipient is unable to complete project within 12 month period after grant award, applicant must submit a written explanation and request for a six month extension. This request must be made at least one month prior to the end of the grant period.  Additional extensions may be requested at six-month intervals at the discretion of the Executive Board/Grant Committee.  If an explanation is not provided within stated period, the board reserves the right to cancel the unused balance of the grant award.  Completion of the Foundation’s final report will be required at the end of the project.

Application Process

Foundation Grant Committee will meet once a year in March to consider requests for grant assistance.  Applications will be available annually on February 1 and to be considered, applications must be received online or at the Foundation postal address by February 28.  Six unstapled copies of application form and other relevant materials should be mailed to:

Grants Program
Historic Bath Foundation
O Box 238
Bath, North Carolina 27808

Funding decisions and announcement of awards will be made by April 15th.   

Application Guidelines

The following information should be included on applications for assistance (not to exceed two pages).

1.         Name and address of individual applicant, organization or institution.

2.         Description of the project, along with anticipated goals and names and qualifications of persons involved in executing the project.

3.         Time frame for beginning and completing project.

4.         Detailed budget, showing how funds will be used, and any matching monies anticipated.  Beginning with applications received  2015, the Foundation is allowing applicants to request during the application process 50% funding disbursement at the time of the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement.  The remaining funding will be disbursed when the grant project is complete and the final report approved. 

5.         Signature of the person authorized to receive and expend funds for the organization.


All eligible applications will be considered.  Requests will be evaluated on their individual merit and in terms of how well they fit within the Historic Bath Foundation’s granting areas of interest.  Other factors that will be used in evaluation include:

  • A project’s merits in relation to other funding cycle applicants.
  • The comparative need for the proposed work
  • That the design of the project is attainable within the project period (usually 12 months from award notification date).
  • Feasible project costs
  • Impact of the project on the community
  • Availability of Foundation funds at the time of the request.
  • The fact that a building is publicly owned by the State, county, municipality or other public organizations will not prevent the structure from
         being considered for Foundation assistance.

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