Rules of Conduct

  1. Roberts Rules of Order will be used.
  2. The President will preside at the meeting.
  3. Members only will be allowed to speak.
  4. Speakers are limited to three minutes at a time and only once on same subject.
  5. Members may not yield their time to another member.
  6. To speak, members must stand and be recognized by the chair.  When recognized, speakers must identify themselves by name.
  7. Voting will be by raising hands of members present in person and by proxy. (Each member checking in will be issued an index card.  When voting, members will hold up their index card and a count will be made.  After the count of members present for and against the issue, the secretary will poll the people holding proxies, and afterwards tally the count and present the results).
  8. There will be one five-minute recesses at 11 o’clock.

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