2020 HBF Proxy

     Dear HBF Supporters - Cast your vote! We are using the online voting proxy again this year as a cost and time saving tool.  To allow an HBF Director or member in good standing to vote for you, please complete the required information included in the short proxy form below.

   This year's annual meeting abd Board of Directors election will be held on June 26, 2020 at 2PM at Pirate Hall.  If you are not currently an HBF member and wish to vote, please visit HBF Membership to access membership details.

    An annual, tax deductible, membership (July - June) is $25/household. Please mail your membership contribution of $25 to The Historic Bath Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 238, Bath, NC 27808 no later than June 21, 2020 by mail or donate at the June 26, 2020 annual meeting. Please make all checks payable to the HBF.

Thank you!
Jimmy Edwards, President/Chair, The Historic Bath Foundation, Inc.
    1. HBF Membership Status
           I am a current HBF Member
           I am applying to become a new HBF Member prior to the annual meeting.
    2. Insert your first and last name below.
      First Name:
      Last Name:
    3. New Member contact information (If CURRENT member, please skip quetion, unless you have changes to your contact information and proceed to question #4)
      Street Address:
      State:    Zip:
      Telephone Number:    E-Mail:
    4. Proxy Selection - Select an HBF Director from the list below to cast your vote:
        Betsy Boxer     Jimmy Edwards     Surry Everett        Seth Effron     Ken Friedlein     David Johnston       Gene Roberts      Patricia Samford      Karen Sayer     
        Or a member in good standing - Name:

  You need an email program on your computer in order for the email to work.
Download, Complete, and Print 2020 Proxy Form for Mailing
Mail to: Historic Bath Foundation Inc., PO Box 238, Bath, NC 27808

This proxy revokes all previous proxies. If I later decide to attend the meeting, this proxy will be revoked.
Proxy (snail mail or emailed online version) must be received by June 20, 2020.
www.historicbath.com or The Historic Bath Foundation, Inc., PO Box 238, Bath, NC 27808
You may also pay your membership fees online at www.historicbath.com/donate.rhtml.

© 2011-2024 The Historic Bath Foundation, Inc., All Rights Reserved. | P.O. Box 238 Bath, NC  27808 | historicbath@yahoo.com
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